Saturday, June 8, 2013

Hi there!! Get to know me :) Part I

Hello there!!

It's summer... And what does that mean!?
5 minutes of basking in the glory of knowing you don't have to wake up at 6 in the morning anymore, 3 months of laying in bed watching Netflix. (Like obsessively, no joke...)

After spending the first week on YouTube, Facebook, Netflix, etc (starting to see a pattern yet?), my dad told me to do something "productive" *insert sarcastic eye roll* Which brings me to what I'm doing right now, blogging :)

How does something productive turn into setting up a blog? I honestly don't know, but I think my dad gets a sense of satisfaction watching me attempt to type so... Let's let him keep being happy.

All jokes aside (well that kinda wasn't a joke...) the main reason why I started this blog is because I think I'm unique. Please don't take that the wrong way lol. What I really mean is, my upbringing is pretty unusual, and for some reason I didn't end up like a lot of Japanese Americans.

Which brings me to tell you a little more about me :) I was born in, you guessed it! Japan. Specifically Toyohashi, a little city near Tokyo, which is where I grew up for a while. Then, when I was small (smaller than I am now :P) I moved to Texas!

With both my parents being full Japanese, it was hard for me to pick up the English language, or so I'm told 10 years later :P but once the ball dropped, it started rolling. Fast. My English improved rapidly, becoming better and more comfortable for me than Japanese. Don't ask me how, I was 5 or so. The only thing I can tell you is to start learning a language at a young age.

My parents tried to help me by speaking to me in English instead of Japanese, taking me to a really nice preschool, stuff like that. After my English became more dominant, they switched back to primarily speaking Japanese to me (to their great relief I think :P)

To this day, both my parents have a more accented English (they started speaking when they needed to... Early 30's) while mine was more fluent. Being in America really took a toll on me, and I became the first Japanese American in my family :)

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