Monday, June 10, 2013

Get to know me :) Part III

Just a little disclaimer before I start ranting ;) I love love LOVE my daddy, but he is the most annoying thing ever sometimes... I think most of us can relate :P

I don't think I've mentioned yet, but I'm an only child. That and being a girl makes me his little baby. Yay me. *insert eye-roll and huge sigh* That constantly puts me in the spotlight of all his expectations which can be a bit... Too much.

To him, I'm living the dream, but from a really different perspective. He doesn't talk about his childhood much, but the general gist of it was that he didn't get along with his dad. He has two other siblings, both girls, (my aunts :) ) whom his dad thought were smarter than he was so... They were always prioritized before him, and being the oldest didn't help much either. He once told me that his dad deprived him of his education, making him go to schools that weren't all the best. That's a biggie that I think he's dragged around all of his life... :/ because of that, he has this huge goal in life to allow me to succeed. Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with that. On the contrary, I really appreciate it. But sometimes the Asian standards are just... UGH

He has the stereotypical expectations: all good grades, advanced classes, Ivy League colleges, the whole package
And of course, his ideal daughter is someone who fulfills all of the above + black hair, meek personality, you get the rest...

And I... Do not fall under that category. At. All. Whopps :P

I've dyed my hair, several times :P I'm loud, I curse, I wear makeup, dress scandalously (Shorts? Scandalous? Seriously? -_- ) oh, and I recently got my ears pierced! Twice actually (thank you Claire's :) ) It was a gradual process mind you, so it wasn't like I suddenly sprung this on him :P We often joke how I turned out so differently than how he'd planned. He's ok with how I look as long as I meet his expectations... Of at least most of them :P

I'm going to be a sophomore in the fall, which means if you do the math, I was a freshman last year ;) oh boy, don't even get me started on all the crap that happened. Sticking to grades, I Asian failed most of my classes (-A's, judge me. I dare you :P) got a B in Pre-Cal (yes I was in Pre-Cal as a freshman... And I died.) and Biology (can I just say my teacher was a total b___!?). This year/next year I'm taking Calculus AB, Physics I and Chemistry I (both at the same time... Yes, I know I'm going to die), and other core classes... I'm still really unsure :P

So yeah... I'm the example of "don't judge a book by its cover": perfectly in between stereotypical Asian and an Asian fail. Nice to meet you ;) 

Now that you've read all this... I don't know what to do lol This is going to be a blog about me being me so... Its important to know where I'm coming from? Hahah I honestly really don't know. But being Mimi is all about dealing with everything Asian... And more. So :) 

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